How Do Organisations Digitally Transform

Digital transformation streamlines inefficient paper-based business processes through digitisation and automation.

Key steps include scanning hard copy records into searchable digital repositories using high-speed technology; implementing intelligent workflows to automate repetitive document processes; adopting cloud-based document management for secure, accessible information storage; leveraging digitised data for business insights; and training staff on new digital systems.

With an experienced implementation partner, companies in various industries can improve productivity, security, collaboration, insights, costs and responsiveness by optimising their workflows through paperless processes. This enables them to unlock the benefits of digital transformation.

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Digital transformation is critical for all businesses

Examples across different sectors include, digitising patient records into electronic health systems for easier sharing amongst care teams in medical environments, eliminating physical employee files in HR via document digitisation, scan-and-capture invoice processing automation in accounts payable departments, and transitioning student records management from physical to comprehensive digital learner profiles in educational institutions.

An experienced digital transformation implementation partner is essential for a successful transition. With an experienced implementation partner, companies in various industries can improve productivity, security, collaboration, insights, costs and responsiveness by optimising their workflows through paperless processes. This enables them to unlock the benefits of digital transformation.

Why Should Your Business Go Paperless?

  • Greater Productivity – Automating manual tasks enables staff to focus on high-value priorities.
  • Enhanced Security – Digital records allow robust protections like encryption and permissions.
  • Improved Collaboration – Cloud content sharing and workflows unite distributed teams.
  • Valuable Insights – Digital data feeds advanced business intelligence analytics.
  • Cost Savings – Physical paper and storage expenses are dramatically reduced.
  • Increased Agility – Accelerated digital processes drive faster response times.
  • Increased Agility – Accelerated digital processes drive faster response times.
  • Continuity and Recovery – Digital records are more durable and backup-friendly.

Digital Transformation Benefits

Digitising hard copy records into searchable digital file repositories.

High-speed scanning technology enables the rapid digitisation of a company’s paper documents into digital formats like searchable PDFs. This creates a central, easily searchable repository of digital records accessible across the organisation while also freeing up physical storage space.

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Automating processes

Using intelligent rules-based workflows for digital routing/approvals.

Document management systems allow creating customised automated workflows to simplify repetitive manual processes involving documents. Workflows route digitised files for digital review/approvals based on rules and move the documents through each stage of the process automatically for significant time savings.

Secure cloud storage – Centralising records in managed systems accessible anywhere.

Scanned business records and generated digital files can be securely stored in the cloud on managed systems that enable anywhere, anytime access as opposed to siloed local drives. This provides convenience while also ensuring records are protected in access-controlled systems.

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Apps and analytics – Gaining insights from digitised business data.

Digitised document data can feed directly into business intelligence, reporting, and analytics tools to help uncover insights for data-driven decision-making across the enterprise.

Culture change – Training staff to adopt new, more efficient digital processes.

The shift to paperless workflows represents a significant culture change within an organisation. Proper training and onboarding ensures staff adopt the new digital tools and processes to maximise the benefits and minimise disruptions from the transformation.

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Digital Transformation Use Cases

Industries at various stages of digital maturity can benefit from optimising document workflows. Some examples include:

Medical Documents

Medical – Patient record digitisation and automated workflows.

Healthcare providers can digitise patient files into easily accessible and shareable electronic health records while implementing workflows to automate repetitive administrative tasks like referrals, discharge instructions, prescription issuance. This accelerates information sharing across care teams to improve quality of care.

HR – Employee file scanning and cloud-based payroll.

HR departments can eliminate bulky physical employee files by digitising personnel paperwork including contracts, tax documents and performance reviews into secure cloud-based employee profiles. Payroll can also transition to automated cloud-based systems interconnected with other HR platforms.

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Accounts payable – Invoice digitisation with automated coding/approval.

Invoices can be rapidly scanned upon receipt and intelligent OCR software can automatically capture key details like amounts and dates to feed into the company’s Accounts Payable system, accelerating processing and eliminating manual data entry. Invoice approval workflows are also automated for faster processing.

Education – Learner profiles, submissions and results digitally stored.

Educational institutions can build comprehensive digital learner profiles compiling admissions records, course submissions, grades, transcripts, fees and more, avoiding physical student record management. Assignments and feedback can flow digitally.

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Not sure how many pages you need scanning? Try our page count calculator.

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Digital Transformation FAQs

Why should businesses go paperless?

Going paperless improves productivity by automating manual tasks so employees can focus on core priorities instead of document management. It enhances security through digital protections like encryption and permissions. It enables easier collaboration via cloud content sharing. It provides valuable insights by feeding digital data into analytics. It reduces costs associated with paper, printing, storage and management. It supports sustainability through less paper waste. And it increases agility through faster digital processes.

How can we transition to a paperless office?
What are the cost savings from being paperless?
How does digitisation improve security?
How does automation drive productivity?
How can we maximise value from digitised data?
How long does the transition to paperless take?

Case Studies

Aviation Network

ANA Aviation

ANA Aviation Services and Network Airline Services are a specialist airline management provider, designing and delivering innovative airline solutions to customers across the globe…

Civil Aviation

Civil Aviation Authority

The Aeromedical Support unit of the CAA regulates and implements medical requirements for professional flight crew, private pilots, air traffic controllers and cabin crew…



ANA Aviation Services and Network Airline Services are a specialist airline management provider, designing and delivering innovative airline solutions to customers across the globe…

Areas We Cover

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