Scanning Document

Document Automation Services

Document Options provides award-winning document services ranging from business process automation and document management to data capture and document scanning.

We transform your most labour-intensive processes into cost-effective automated solutions to save you money and help your operation grow.

Our Services

Our specialised large format and high-volume scanning services efficiently digitise your business’s paper documents, files, drawings and media using advanced tools and proprietary workflows for precision results.

We implement customised document processing systems that automate manual workflows and optimise inefficient paper-based processes for significant time and cost savings.

Trust our highly secure and regulated document storage facilities and robust digital cloud platforms to provide managed retention of your vital physical or electronic records.

We use certified destruction processes to completely and securely destroy your obsolete, sensitive documents and media per regulatory requirements.

Our feature-rich document management system software gives you centralised, accessible information by collating documents enterprise-wide into one searchable repository.

Our digitisation and process automation solutions help future-proof your business by replacing antiquated paper-based systems with efficient automated digital workflows.

What Our Customers Say

Who We Help

We tailor solutions from scanning to storage to security that targets your sector’s unique workflow challenges. Our passion is developing custom solutions that transform how your organisation leverages information to succeed today while planning for tomorrow.

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Scanning info

Digital Transformation Experts

With Document Options guiding your digital transformation, companies can smoothly transition to paperless processes. The rewards are game-changing – greater productivity, tighter security, cross-functional collaboration, data-driven decisions, lower costs, and increased agility. Unlocking these substantial benefits makes digital transformation essential for organisations still reliant on paper.

By partnering with a specialist such as Document Options, you can methodically digitise documents and automate workflows and optimise inefficient manual paper-based processes to reap the many benefits of modern digital information systems.

Areas We Cover

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Document Options is certified to the following standards.