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How to blend digital technology into traditional businesses

It is becoming increasingly common to hear businesses talk of the future revolving around digital technology. Indeed, there can be no doubt that in recent years, the rate of technological…

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Is robotic process automation the future?

Process automation has been growing in popularity for a number of years. For a long time it may have felt like the preserve of big businesses and those in the…

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How digital transformation can help your business grow

Many businesses are choosing to invest in digital transformation to take their company to the next level. If your rivals and competitors are doing more online that you are, it…

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Is outsourcing document scanning cost-effective?

It is important for businesses to continually upgrade and improve their processes and procedures if they want to keep up with their competitors and their industry as a whole. One…

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How document scanning became vital to SMEs

Effective leaders of SMEs are always looking for ways to increase productivity and efficiency. One of the best ways to do this is by investing in technology and new ways…

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What processes can your business automate?

Business process automation has the potential to save your company a significant amount of time and money. Process automation takes tasks that are currently in the hands of human staff,…

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Is business process automation only for large companies?

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many businesses to embrace digital transformation in a way that they had never considered before. With a large number of companies forced to ask their…

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Should startups invest in Business Process Automation?

Business process automation (BPA) involves taking complex processes within an organisation and utilising technology, applications and software to automate them, functionally taking them out of the hands of human staff….

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Business benefits of document management

Documents play a truly vital role in the smooth running of a business. From invoices and bills to customer records and order details, managing documents effectively can be one of…

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What have we learnt in the Past Year from Lockdowns, Covid-19 and Working from Home?

It’s been just over 365 days since the UK and most of the world went into lockdown and no one had any idea what issues that would cause for companies…

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How to make your business paper-free

You might have heard of the concept of going ‘paper-free’ or paperless at your business, but you might not really understand what it entails or how it could benefit your…

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How business process automation makes your company more secure

Many organisations are embracing business process automation (BPA). The concept is often praised for the benefits it can bring to a company in terms of productivity, efficiency and flexibility. It’s…

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